
Showing posts from 2013

Tis the season to relax

Real tree vs one from a box

I would rather be poked in the eye than drive anywhere during the Holidays

Kids, blogs and turning your brain to mush

It's November...time for craft shows!

Wine, Food and Friends, not necessarily in that order

A trip to the driver's license office

You won't catch me dressing up for Halloween

What makes you feel old?

Deer, birds, geese and a candy wrapper

It's Football Season!

It's a waiting game, but it's almost over!

My Own Little Space

From house to studio?

Camping by the Blackfoot River

Quick Visit to Missoula MT

I'd pay good money to have that done for me

Farewell to a house

Becoming a better me

Where is my fashion compass?

Aqua Net and hairpins

60 and counting