I just want a hug

There is a commercial being aired right now where two friends are walking along and one tells the other that her son is using drugs. The other woman looks at her and gives her a hug. The voice over says something to the effect that we know what to do about drug use but others don't. I don't like that commercial. I know that they are trying to sell their services, but in doing so they are negating a very important part of our support system, the power of a hug. 

I freely admit I'm a hugger. I hug people I meet, people I know, people I don't know but maybe want to. I hug people back who hug me first and the other way 'round. I hug people who barely put their arms around me and people who hug so tight I can't breathe. I hug dogs and kids and stuffed animals. I tried to hug a cat once...I don't recommend that. I hug pillows and flowers and quilts. I hug to say I'm happy to see you, and I'm sorry to see you go. I hug to say you are not alone, someone cares about you. I hug to say I recognize the need for human contact and am willing to share some.

But most of all, I hug to say I may not know exactly what to say to ease your pain, and I may not have the answer to your problem, but I can do this little, very important thing...I can hug you.

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